Thursday, 10 March 2011

To productivity & beyond!!

Above is a new piece of work I created for a student artist named Sophia Moseley in her last year at Goldsmith's. We exhibited together in January at Showcase London and she later e-mailed me asking me whether I would participate in her mail art project. She sends you a blank stamped postcard, you cover it with your art and just post it back! It would be interesting to see what she receives in the end!

Plus I am doodling and researching and scribbling ideas down in my little sketchbook at the moment. I have been asked to create a commission, so I am a busy bee! Will keep you posted with my ideas and development over the next months. But very exciting times!!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

I missed Feb!!

I have been busy bee with applying for exhibs and comps, so keep your fingers crossed for me! I have also been given my first commission with the work I nicked name funnywomen. It was great to be approached to take on this project, I have allready started doodling ideas which I may use for other pieces and I'm also exciting to create 2D work again. Allthough my aim is now to start working on creating sculpture/3D work I think I will be moving it into April, I have a lot of things buzzing around my skull at the moment and frankly I am glad that 2011 has made me get up and go.

Here are some pics of label work I have just recently finished, no titles just yet! Let me know what you think?

Keep it arty, keep it real