Thursday, 31 December 2009

It's been far too long, 4 months to exact!!

I haven't written my blog in such a long time, I do have a very good reason aswell! I'm having a baby, a little girl, her due date is May the 6th 2010. Therefore everything kinda went on hold, the realisation of responsability overwhelmed me and I had to sort my life out!

But here we are, the last day of the year and I finally feel like life is slowly going back to normal, allthough I don't quite know what normal is but I feel that the old arty determined fighting Becky is back. Plus I have so much work to do, I have a deadline on the 25th of January, which gives me just over 3 weeks to finish the piece of work I'm creating for a group exhibition in early Febuary 2010. I will post more details and my progress in the next couple of weeks. But it feels good to be driving and pushing myself again in my creativity.

I no longer work in my bedroom, I have a small studio space in the lounge of my flat which I still need to adjust to!! But just happy to have the space to work. The idea of having a independent studio now doesn't seem very realistic but in the future who knows!

Will blog soon with images of work I have been experimenting with and creating over the past 4 months but to be honest there isn't much!! Hopefully 2010 will give me a spurt of creativity and opportunities.

Kepp it real, keep it arty