Thursday, 28 May 2009

'Dre Mawr' 2009 Roundhouse 'Co-Motion' Exhibition



I am utterly useless so far with my bloggs (I humbly apolagise). It has been a crazy and fullfilling 4 weeks and a bit. I've had my artwork on display in a ickle exhibition 'Co-Motion' which coincided with the CIFD "London's Global Mixtape!" 'No Passport Necessary' festival, which fell over the first bank holiday of May. It was on display at Camden's Roundhouse for a week with other fellow arty people, the brief was to create work expressing a more personal experience, to explore concepts like global party, journeys, identity, culture clash, city transit and of course, London. I will add an image once I have a decent photo of it (bare with me!!) I created the work specifically for the show, plus I got into the festival for free (+ 4 mates) danced like a crazy woman to Zoe Appleseed and Size Nine, fun fun had by all ;-)

Just come back from Spain aswell, went to Barcelona and Madrid 3days in each city (though really I should had done 5 in each because there is so much to see and do) had an absaloute amazing time there with my fellow arty mate Mike. Lots of art, lots of walking, lots of beer, lots of dancing and lots of sunshine....scorchio! Check out Time Out's article on Barcelona, which is out now! and then go go go go!!

TAKE NOTE: I am organising a exhibition at the moment, a fusion of diverse and thought provoking art from up and coming artists, emerging and established. Therefore, whatch this space!! for I will be letting you know the goss and the info very soon. It's all very exciting and scary at the moment but I can't wait to get stuck in!!!!

well, I will keep you posted and I promise to use my blogg more frequently now,

Saturday, 2 May 2009


I would just like to take this opportunity to welcome you all into the intriguing world of Miss Hardy and in return a warm HELLO to you all as well. I will be using this blog to showcase my various projects and art practice, posting new work and any arty information to whet your appetite.

Keep it real, keep it arty
